How to Choose the Right College for You

The university you attend can have a dramatic impact on the connections you make in college and the trajectory of your future.

If choosing just one college out of the 5,000 colleges and universities in the US seems like an impossible task, don’t sweat it. 


Here are 5 steps you can take to make sure you apply to and choose the school that’s right for you. 

1. Decide On a Major

If you know what you want to study, check out the programs offered by a school and see if they have one that fits your needs. Not every college offers the same classes and programs, so do some research to make sure they have what you’re looking for.

But, if you don’t know what you want to major in, that’s okay too. You can actually use this to your advantage. Since many schools allow you to change majors, applying to a less popular major can increase your chances of acceptance. 

Read here about how you can use your major to increase your odds of getting into your dream school.

2. Consider the Location

It’s important to like the place you’re going to be living in for four years, or maybe even longer. If you hate cold weather, a town that sees a lot of snow in the winter may not be the best environment for you. Make sure the schools you’re looking into are located in places you can see yourself thriving.

It my also be important to see what else is in the area around the campus:

  • Are there a lot of fun things to do in your free time? 

  • What is the housing situation if you stay after graduation? 

  • Are there any potential jobs in the area that are in your chosen field?

The summer is a perfect time to get started touring universities. Here is everything you need to read before touring a college campus. 

3. Friends and Family 

Do you know anyone who already goes to the school, or who lives nearby? If you are someone who doesn’t do well on their own, a college on the other side of the country might not be the best option.

If you’re hoping to already have a group of friends or some family you can spend time with as you transition to college life, talk to your family about school connections or relatives that live close to campus

Of course you’ll make new friends, but there’s no replacing the people you already love. Don’t be afraid to consider your personal life and mental health when considering a place to move to for college!

4. Chance of Acceptance

Take a good look at your grades, AP/ACT/SAT test scores and your extracurriculars. Do a little research and see what numbers will typically be accepted by the school. While grades and test scores aren’t the only thing the admissions board will look into, it’s certainly a major component.

Make sure you have a pretty good chance of being accepted into a few of the schools you like. Organizing your schools into the three following categories can streamline your preparation process:

  • Safety - A school where you have a 75% chance of acceptance

  • Target - A school where you have about a 50/50 chance of acceptance

  • Reach - A school where you have a 25% chance of acceptance

Confused about how to categorize your schools? Schedule a free consultation to strategize your application process.

If you’re really hoping to get into a university with a low acceptance rate, you’ll want to start early. Take AP and honors classes, do volunteer work and study hard for the ACT and SAT throughout high school. This will increase your odds of getting into some extremely selective schools.


5. Campus Life

Just as the location of the college is important, so is the campus life. Take a tour of the campus and see how you like it. Some colleges have tons of fun things to do on their campus, which can make attending the school much more appealing. 

If a tour isn’t possible, reach out to a current student to ask about their life on campus. 

Revolution can help you narrow down your options and organize your list into three categories that will take the headache out of the decision process.

Let’s talk about how you can pick the perfect college for you.