4 Ways to Beat Writer's Block

Let’s face it, writing essays can be stressful and time-consuming. Sometimes, you’re just fresh out of ideas and end up staring at a blank page for hours. When this happens, you might become frustrated with yourself and your paper, which doesn’t help the situation at all. The next time you find yourself shaking your fists at your computer screen, try these few tips instead.  

Brainstorming Session

Give yourself a few minutes to just write down every thought you have on the topic your essay is about. It could be anything. Don’t stop or focus too much, don’t aim for perfection, just brainstorm as much as possible for two, maybe three minutes. Set a time, and let yourself write. It doesn’t have to be full sentences or complete thoughts--just words or phrases will work perfectly fine. Afterward, you might find that you had far more ideas than you thought. You can use these to come up with a solid discussion for your paper, an outline, a thesis statement, etc. You’ll be surprised how helpful a few minutes of pure brainstorming can really be!


Get your blood flowing, and get away from the laptop. Do a quick workout, a little bit of yoga, or go on a walk or a run. However you prefer to get moving, get up and get going for however long you need to recharge and reset your mind. Let go of the stress for a little while and promote positive energy within your body. This should calm you down a bit and help to release your anxiety and frustration. When you return to your paper, you’ll be feeling refreshed and hopefully ready to try again. Even if you don’t get back to your paper immediately, exercise is an important piece of your mental health, which is crucial for academic success. 

Give Yourself Space

It’s no use giving energy to something you’re having trouble with. Step away for a little while. Maybe watch a movie, call a friend on the phone, bake some cookies, or do anything that will take your mind off that essay you need to do. If you’re dealing with writer’s block, forcing yourself to get words on the page isn’t going to leave you with a fantastic paper. Allow yourself to do something fun and come back to the paper when you’re ready. This is why it’s important to start your essays early so you have time for these types of roadblocks!

Ask for Help

You don’t have to go through it alone. If essays are something you frequently struggle with, a tutor might be able to help you. Talking through your assignment with someone else can open up doors to new ideas you never thought possible. You’ll have the opportunity to learn new ways of writing and figure out what best works for you. There’s no shame in asking for help.