Why SAT Prep Yields Higher Scores

At one point, it was generally accepted that there was no way to prepare for the SAT. Any preparation you did was thought to have no positive effect on your score. Thoughts on this have dramatically changed, especially since the implementation of the new SAT in 2016, and now it's well-known that studying and preparation can really boost your score. Here’s why.

You’re Familiar With the Test

By using study materials and taking practice tests, you get to know how the test works—the types of questions that are asked, how well you perform on certain sections, and how often you make the same mistakes. The more you put into studying, the more you will get out of it. Being as familiar as possible with the SAT will give you some of the necessary tools you need to increase your score. 

You’ve Put the Hours In

It takes a lot of time and dedication to make sure you will do well on the test. Depending on how much you want your score to go up, you’ll need to be aware of how much time you should be using to prepare. If you want an increase of 200 points or more, you’ll need around 150 hours of preparation at the very least. If you’re looking for a smaller increase of around 100 points, maybe a little more or less, you’ll need 20 to 40 hours of prep time. Think about how much time you have until your testing date. Do you have one month, or six? This will tell you how to make your study schedule, and how often you need to set aside time for SAT prep in order to reach your goal score. 

You Know Your Weaknesses 

Once you know how the test works, it should be pretty simple to figure out which sections and question types you excel at, and which need a bit of extra attention. To get the most out of your study time, determine your weaknesses and why you struggle in certain areas. Work hard to learn what the SAT expects from you when it comes to the topics you’re not as strong in, and practice until you see results. With enough time, you should see a decent amount of improvement in the number of questions you answer correctly. 

SAT prep works—if you’re passionate about getting your score up, invest your time in studying. With enough hard work, your results will show how much it paid off. Contact us for help with your study plan.