Planning Your College Road Trip

Want to get ahead on your college journey while also making the most of your vacation? The College Road Trip could be the perfect idea for you and your family.

Visiting schools is an essential step in building your college list and demonstrating interest in a school. Let’s talk through some important steps you should take in your planning process!

sneakers on the dashboard - college road trip

Consider Location

Do you envision yourself going to school in the Northeast? Is Cali calling? Pick a geographic area that is of interest to you and build a list of schools to hit.

Here are some ideas to get you inspired:

Consider Variety

The examples listed above include a wide range of schools. GW has 25,613 students and is in the middle of an urban center, while Washington and Lee has 2,160 students and is located in rural Virginia. Student life at these schools is vastly different!

The College Road Trip is a great opportunity to get a feel of what you like and don’t like, so make sure your list of schools is varied.

Read up on our blog about How to Choose the Right College for You.

Consider Scheduling

If you go in the summer time you will be able to see more schools but there might not be students on campus. If you go during the year, there might be students on campus but you may have to condense your travel time.

Weigh the pros and cons! No matter when you go, it is essential that you:

  • Sign up for a campus tour ahead of time

  • Attend an info session and come prepared with questions

  • Make a meeting with an admissions counselor (if you want to be extra impressive!)

Schools keep track of who goes on tours, so make sure you register and make contact.

Read about How to Network with Colleges.

Consider Logistics

How much does your family have in their college tour budget? Can you drive to your desired locations, or will you need to bus, train or fly? Where will you stay?

These are the questions you’d ask about any vacation, but it’s especially important to play the long game when it comes to touring schools. Pace yourself, and don’t overlook the amazing colleges that might be right in your own backyard.

But there are so many schools out there!

It’s true. There are SO many schools out there! Feeling overwhelmed? Our admissions experts have their finger on the pulse, and can help you devise a researched and personalized college list to inform your travels. Sign up for a free consultation with us today!

Want to make the most of your summer in different ways? Check out our Summer To Do List.